Common Themes for Partnership Success



At MoeryLAI, we are in the business of helping people -mostly by generating revenue for associations in sponsorship, exhibit sales or new membership.  Over the past year, I have been fortunate to work with some great organizations.  Most of my clients have been advocacy based associations fighting for their cause but needing help in bringing in new members or sponsors.  I have found there are some common themes for the most successful partnerships between MoeryLAI and our clients:
1.    Our sales team becomes a seamless extension of the association’s staff.  This simply means if we are selling memberships, we become an integral part of your membership team.  From the initial web or phone inquiry, to prospecting, to closing the deal.  When we have the full process we are the most successful.  Plus, the potential member or sponsor has one point of contact that can help guide them through the process.
2.    Association staff specialists should coordinate non member access to leverage member opportunities  For many associations, their talented staff of industry experts is one of their best assets.  But, we have found that often these experts are fielding a lot of calls from nonmembers.  This not only puts a strain on the staff, it also dilutes the value proposition to their members.  After all, why join if you can get this valuable information for free?  When MoeryLAI is on board, we help to field those inquiries and requests to talk to an expert.  We set up conference calls between the experts and nonmembers, but limit the time and make it known that it is a member benefit.  This solves two problems: it allows the staff to focus their time on member issues and also lets the nonmember see that this is a sponsor/ member’s only benefit.
3.    Get a comfort level with your partner so they can enhance association bandwidth.  Many associations can benefit from the additional resources a partner can bring to the table.  Our best partners empower us to make calls, send emails, and have meetings on their behalf.  Loosen your grip, and let what we do best happen.  We will go to tradeshows and events and represent our client’s brand.  When this integration happens…sales soar!
Guest article written by MoeryLAI’s Chief Sales Officer Tiffany Freud


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